Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Learning to embrace the unknown

So, today has been strange. As I type this, I am in the driveway at my house with my car door open and my seat reclined back, my feet propped out on the window. I have been off of work for almost two hours but I cannot bring myself to go inside my house. Maybe I’m afraid that when I do, suddenly today will all seem real.

Today, I made a very difficult decision; I turned in my official resignation to the place that has been my job for over a decade. It is a decision I could see coming for about a year, but I hadn’t felt like I was supposed to do it just yet. Today, I felt that release to make it official.

The other side of that is that I was also offered another job today. (Well, actually multiple jobs from friends and family who have been on my side in rally and prayer lately. But this one was an official offer from a business.) Another pharmacy offered me a part-time job and now I have to decide if I want to accept it. It’s not that I necessarily want the job, as much as I think I want the security of finances when I return from Uganda in November.

As most of you know, my biggest source of doubt and faithlessness is finances. God always provides the finances I need, whether it be for mission trips or purchases or bills, but I doubt Him every time before that money all comes in. I am now officially jobless. I will have one less paycheck before Uganda and one less paycheck that will not be deposited while I am in Uganda. This terrifies me. I was basically counting every last “chicken” before it “hatched”, as to what bill every one of those dollars would be going towards. Our fiscal year also starts over in October, so I planned to take my entire two weeks of paid vacation and use it towards my trip. So, there’s another entire two weeks of pay I will no longer be getting.

My brain is freaking out regarding all those “lost” finances that I never should have been banking (hah get it?) on in the first place.

My heart says, “God’s got this.” My brain says, “Yeah, but {insert bill amount due here}.” It’s currently why I am sitting in my car in the driveway trying to figure out what happened today and what my next step is.

This morning, out of the blue, while I was helping my brother get ready for school, he told me that when I get back from Uganda, he will be 12. I laughed and said he misunderstood us; that I would be gone for 2 months and not 2 years. He looked at me with a confused look on his face and said, “Oh… I think you’ll be gone for 2 years.” Now, we’ve already seen that God uses and speaks through this little man. I keep hearing the way he said that replaying in my head. Maybe God’s shown him something that He’s trying to show me.

So, basically, right now, I am asking for your prayers. I am getting ready to walk into a season of entirely new things. For the first time since I was 16, I do not have the security of a job. Even while I was on my various mission trips, I knew the second I returned, I would walk back to my job as soon as I was ready to do so. I’m officially jobless and incomeless.

I have no idea what life will look like moving forward, but I have faith that God does know and He’s got the best plan for me. And maybe I’ll be more able to receive it with open hands now that I’ve released the death-grip I had on the security blanket I called my job. 

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